Sunday, January 1, 2012

Greetings, New Year!

Happy New Year to you, dear Friend! I do hope you enjoyed your Christmas holiday and were blessed abundantly! I would like to encourage you as we begin 2012 with an excerpt from "His Footsteps, My Pathway" by Roy Lessin. These words are meaningful to me because we do not know what the future holds, but we can know and have a relationship with He who holds the future.

"Yesterday, Today and Forever the Same. Jesus Christ NEVER Changes." 
Hebrews 13:8
When your life is in Jesus' hands, you are in a safe and secure place. He will not be for you one minute and against you the next; He will not be with you one moment and gone the next; He will not give you rest one day and let you struggle the next. Jesus is the promise maker, the promise giver, and the promise keeper. 
Jesus is more certain than the sun in the sky and the ground that is under your feet. Jesus won't age or grow feeble; He won't become out of date or out of touch; He won't lose power or be stripped of His authority. Jesus' reign and rule are the most certain things in the universe, and your life couldn't be in better hands. 
People change all the time. One day someone is in power, the next day he is out of power; one day someone makes a promise, the next day that promise is broken; one day someone is your friend, the next day that person is your enemy. Isn't it good to know that when you read the newspaper or listen to the news, you will never hear a headline that states, "There's something different to report about Jesus." 
Jesus Christ never changes. Who He is, is who He was. Who He was is who He will always be.
There are no shocks or surprises in Jesus' character, in His person, or in his position. His heart is the same, His love is the same, His glory is the same, His faithfulness is the same, and His promises are the same.

"The only preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today." I don't know if you're one for resolutions, Friend, but I would encourage you to continually give thanks for the life that has been given you in Christ. Make it a priority to walk with your Creator & King. To the right, you will find a chronological list of Scripture verses and I urge you to begin even now; search through God's Word with us this year and get to know the One that calls you His beloved. The Lord has so many wonderful things in store for you this year!! He desires to richly bless you and I trust He will do just that!! 

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

Find Joy in Him, Beloved!

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