Saturday, January 14, 2012

Oh Victory in Jesus!

I have felt very defeated recently, Friend. We have been battling an illness that has made itself at home in our lives since Dec.22nd. The lingering sickness, on top of not starting out the new year as I'd hoped, and feeling unaccomplished in my regular Motherly chores & duties, makes for a pretty run down spirit. It's been difficult to find my joy. The below excerpt was exactly what I needed to hear and I placed what really spoke to my heart in bold. I hope that you will also find comfort in it.  

 "His Footsteps, My Pathway"

Jesus' Victory is Your Victory
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

You have more going for you in Christ than what is coming against you in the world. Jesus came and destroyed the work of the Devil. Jesus crushed the enemy's kingdom under His feet. The Devil lost everything and gained nothing when Jesus died upon the cross. Jesus reigns supreme in the universe, without a rival or an equal. Jesus is your victory, your strength, your power, your authority, your peace, and your wholeness. You are triumphant in Him, and more than a conqueror as you make His footsteps your pathway. 
Jesus' victory is yours on the weekdays and weekends, on cloudy days and sunny days; in every moment, in every location, in every phase of life, through every storm, through every trial, through every difficulty that you will ever face. 

Find Joy in Him, Beloved!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sistah! It is particularly clear to us in our struggles how central and complete Jesus' victory is over anything we face in this world. I am praying for you this week that 1) Jesus' victory will bring you great joy and 2) that sickness would flee your home! Love you!
