Sunday, November 20, 2011

Earthly good! Heavenly great!

I'm sure you've heard the saying "Some people are too heavenly minded to be any earthly good." Right, wrong, or's my two cents.

While I believe that we should be fixed on Christ and focused heavenward, I understand the meaning behind this phrase. I have come across a few Christians today that say "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus". But it's said with a sigh of discontentment, rather than an overwhelming excitement for His return. To me, it seems like an unhappy persons way of saying, "I'm tired of living in this evil world and I'm tired of dealing with all the crap that surrounds me. Come take me away from it all, Lord. I know you have better things for me than this." Have you ever come across someone with this outlook? This perspective saddens my heart, because I believe that these folks have become their own joy robbers. They're slapping away the Lord's hand of great blessing. He created this world and said it was good. Yes, the devil parades around and evil is prevalent, but creation bares the fingerprint of God. Life is a gift, not a curse. The Lord has given us so much to be thankful for and instead, we tarnish our testimony to the viewing public by focusing on all the things that make us upset or uncomfortable. Our purpose is to rejoice in the Lord...Always(Philippians 4:4)!!

"When you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you surely will." -Abraham Lincoln. 

But if you choose to see things through God's perspective, you'd live a life of joy on this earth, because your focus would be on the good. 

I believe that we, as believers, are called to celebrate life! In my readings of "Wisdom for the way" by Chuck Swindoll, he draws attention to Psalm 90:12. "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." 
He continues, "I find it interesting that we are to view life by the days, not the years. We are to live those days in such a way that when they draw to a close, we have gained 'a heart of wisdom'. With the Lord occupying first place in our lives we accept and live each day enthusiastically for Him. The result will be that 'heart of wisdom' the psalmist mentions...
Because we cannot alter the inevitable, we adjust to it. And we do that not a year at a time, but a day at a time. Instead of eating our heart out because a few more aches and pains have attached themselves to our bodies, we determine to celebrate life rather than endure it. Aging isn't a choice. But our response to it is. In so many ways, we ourselves determine how we shall grow old."...
..."Joy is available now. We are not to put it on hold. Happiness isn't something that will secretly open up to us when we turn fifty five, or when we reach some goal or find the right marriage partner. Happiness is for now. It is inseparably linked to the living Lord...'The chief end of man is to love God and enjoy Him forever.' Not just to serve Him, not just obey Him, not just sacrifice to Him, not simply commit ourselves to Him, but enjoy Him - 'laugh through life with Him.' Smile in His presence. So much more is included in enjoying Him forever than most would ever believe...Happiness is to pervade  all the years of our life...It's there for us to enjoy throughout our days."

It's sad to think that some folks are waiting for Christ's return and an address in heaven, before they'll experience His true & lasting joy. If that is you, that's not the way it has to be, Friend. You don't have to wait for heaven to feel at home! I love the thought of continually being in the presence of God no matter where I am. Heaven will not make Jesus anymore real for me, because His home is my heart. While I anticipate His return for me and am excited for the things to come, I am just as happy being with Him here, where He's placed me. For now, though a stranger, this world is my home and God did not create me to merely exist in it, but to live and thrive!! He has good things in store for me...and you! Until Jesus Christ beckons us to reside with Him in heaven, we are called to abide, thrive and joy in our Savior...throughout our days!

Look for the good and...
Find Joy in Him, Beloved!

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